Why do we learn music?
Music is a core part of life in many of our schools. Designed to build confidence, ability and harness a life-long love of a variety of music, the Ark Music Programme offers a wealth of experience for all pupils at all levels.
Head of Department
Mr N Kovacevic
Year 7
Autumn |
Stomp and Sing Structure, texture, rhythm |
Spring |
The Power of the Pentatonic Tonality, melody (folk) |
Summer |
Band Musicianship 1: Four Chord Songs Harmony (pop) |
Year 8
Autumn |
West African Music Structure, texture, rhythm (Guinea) |
Spring |
Baroque Remix Melody, harmony and texture (classical) |
Summer |
Band Musicianship 2: The Blues Harmony (traditional Americana) |
Year 9
Autumn |
EDM Structure, texture (pop) |
Spring |
Film Music Sonority |
Summer |
Band Musicianship 3: Songs for a Better World Melody, harmony and tonality (pop) |
Year 10
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Foundation keyboard skills and harmony course Set Work: Africa - Toto |
Establishing and developing a chord sequence Film Music |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Writing a melody to fit your chords Film Music |
Choosing a genre, choosing sonorities and refining your chords & melody Set Work: Badinerie - Bach |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Creating and developing idiomatic basslines and beats Jazz & Blues |
Creating countermelodies, developing texture and applying finishing touches Popular Music |
Year 11
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Free composition: Log book and score completion Brief composition: Establishing and developing a chord sequence Music for Ensemble |
Writing and developing a melody to fit your chords Forms and Devices Set Work: Bach -Badinerie (Revisited) |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Writing and developing a melody to fit your chords Set Work: Africa - Toto (Revisited)
Log book and score completion. Final response to feedback. |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
External exams | External exams |