All pupils must dress according to our Uniform Policy, which reflects our values and reinforces our school’s culture of high expectations and academic achievement.
Our school uniform is important to us because it is one way in which we identify ourselves as a school family and it promotes a strong, cohesive school identity which supports high standards and expectations in all areas of school life.
The Ark Acton Academy uniform must be smartly worn at all times, including on the way to and from the Academy.
The uniform that each student needs to wear to school.
Uniform requirements
In the list below, * means that the item needs to be purchased from the academy uniform supplier. All other uniform can be purchased from a wide range of retailers and we run a pre-loved uniform store from the Academy Reception. Please speak to your child’s Head of Year regarding any questions about uniform.
All clothes, including rucksack and trainers, should be clearly labelled with the child’s name, especially PE kit and trainers.
School uniform
- Academy Blazer*
- Academy Bag*
- Academy tie* (appropriate colour for year group)
- Academy jumper* (optional)
- Black trousers/skirt (no jeans/leggings/bodycon skirts)
- White shirt with top button done up
- Plain black or white socks/tights
- Black business like shoes, no trainers or heels
- Plain dark jacket- no hoodies
- Hats. Gloves. Scarves must be dark in colour
- Pupils are allowed to cover their head for religious or cultural reasons; coverings must be plain dark colours and without decoration or embellishment
- No jewellery can be worn at any time apart from a watch and stud earrings
- Religious symbols or other attire can be worn if needed
- No makeup, false nails or nail varnish
- No hoodies
PE Kit
PE Kit
- Academy Sports Top
- Academy Sports Zip Top
- Academy Sports Tracksuit Bottoms
- Academy Sorts Shorts
- Academy Sports Socks
- Sports trainers (no air forces, air jordans, high top trainers or flat soled shoes e.g. vans or converse)
- All jewellery needs to be removed prior to a PE lesson
- Plain black leggings can only be worn if Academy Sports shorts are worn over the top.
- Students can wear a plain long black or white sleeve top underneath their academy sports top
If you have any questions regarding the Ark Acton Academy PE kit, please email Mr Savage:

- 2 black/blue pens
- 2 green pens
- 2 pencils
- rubber
- pencil sharpener
- 30cm ruler
- scientific calculator
- protractor
- glue stick
- safety scissors
- highlighter
- whiteboard pen and eraser
- reading book
- optional: English/French dictionary, colouring pencils
Please contact your head of year for any specific questions about the uniform. Reasonable adjustments will be made for students with religious needs or disabilities.
Lost property
We ask that all clothing is named, including shoes, so that lost items can be returned to their owner. The school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage of pupils’ property and valuables. All mislaid items are placed in the lost property box located in the school welfare office. Please ask the school welfare office if you wish to look through this box. We endeavour to return all named property, but give unclaimed lost property to a local children’s charity at the end of term.
Purchasing school uniform
Our uniform supplier is Sanco.
Sanco is located in Hounslow and if you wish to visit the store you must make an appointment first. Appointments are for 10 or 20 minutes, depending on whether you are topping up or organizing a full uniform.
For new Year 7 parents and those purchasing uniform during the summer holidays, you are strongly urged to arrange uniform by 31 July at the latest. If left till August, you may have to queue, or the items or sizes required may not be immediately available in case stock runs out.
To ease concerns over buying early and children having a ‘growth spurt’, Sanco have maintained an exchange policy of 90 days (refunds 30 days).
Second-hand items
Any unwanted items of uniform may be given to the school office. We host regular second-hand uniform sales where good quality items can be picked up for low cost.