Sport plays a central part in life at our Academy, helping our pupils to understand and demonstrate fairness, sportsmanship, respect and how to lead and healthy active lifestyle.
In addition to our enriched Physical Education curriculum, Ark Acton Academy has an extensive sporting offer to our pupils. The aim is to provide our pupils with the opportunities to build their character and values of fairness, resilience and respect outside of our academic curriculum. We want our pupils to lead a healthy active lifestyle both physically and mentally.
Extra-curricular offer
We provide professional sports coaches that deliver our lunchtime and after school sports clubs that give pupils a variety of opportunities to play sport. Sport is for everyone and therefore there is a sports club for everyone in the academy from football, basketball, table tennis, dodgeball and boxercise. An important aspect to delivering a successful extra-curricular offer is hearing from pupils and what clubs they would like to see on offer.

Sporting Competitions
We provide opportunities for our pupils to compete in fixtures against local Ealing schools and competitions. In addition to this, we compete in the Ark Sports Championships against schools across the Ark Network. This allows pupils to further enhance their character and provide pupils with a winning sporting prowess. As a department we have enjoyed success in variety of competitions including the Ark Table Tennis Championships and Netball rally.

Sports Scholarship
We are delighted to offer a sports scholarship to pupils at Ark Acton Academy that have the sporting prowess and ability to push themselves to be the very best athlete. In collaboration with the Ark Acton Academy Physical Education Department, Elevate have created the Performance Development Programme – PDP. The PDP is based on similar concepts used within Formula One, Premier League Football Clubs and the NBA. The PDP is designed to provide your child with access to Human Performance support that will be vital to their growth as a high-level performer.
As a sports scholar the short-term is to develop performance within your chosen athletics discipline. The long-Term goal will be the 2024 National Schools Athletics Finals and optimising performance.