Ark Acton Academy observes Remembrance Day 2023 

Remembrance Day 2023 at Ark Acton was commemorated in a very unique and special ceremony on Friday 10/11/23
Cadets commemorate Remembrance Day

On Friday 10th November, students and staff at Ark Acton Academy gathered to mark Remembrance Day and pay tribute to the soldiers who have lost their lives in service to their country. They were joined by residents from the local Acton Care Centre along with students and alumni from the 202 regiment.

Along with children and staff from the 39 Ark schools in Birmingham, Hastings, London, and Portsmouth, Ark Acton Academy held an a remembrance service with a two-minute silence to pause and reflect. During the #ArkRemembers service, students participated in a moment of silence to honour fallen soldiers and remember those who lost their lives in conflicts past and present. The service also included a performance by the Bennett Smith, who played the last post. As part of the day's events, the school also raised money for the Royal British Legion and their total is over £100.

Remembrance Day, also known as Armistice Day, is a day to mark the ceasefire that began at 11am on 11 November 1918 and ended the fighting in the First World War. It is a day to honour the personal sacrifices made by men and women, past and present, to protect the freedoms we enjoy today. 

Oli Knight spoken about the importance of Remembrance Day and its significant for students and today’s society.